History of medicine

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In 1919, the national Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies united into an international federation - the League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (LOCK and KP). Its goal is to promote the development of national Societies - members of the federation, to coordinate their activities at the international level and to promote the creation of new national Societies.


The Union of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies of the USSR (reorganized in 1992) joined the membership of LOCK and KP in 1934 and took an active part in the activities of the League and the bodies created by it.


At present, LOCK and KP unites more than 150 national Societies with a total number of members — more than 250 million people.

The main goal of LOCK and KP, enshrined in its Charter, is to inspire, support, develop the humanitarian activities of national Societies in order to prevent and alleviate human suffering and thus contribute to the maintenance and strengthening of world peace.


International organizations of the Red Cross - the International Committee of the Red Cross and the League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies are different in nature, their activities complement each other. Both of them are headquartered in Geneva and are united by the concept of the International Red Cross.


The supreme governing body of the International Red Cross is the International Conference. Red Cross, which meets once every four years. The conference is attended by representatives of the governments parties to the Geneva Conventions, recognized national societies, the ICRC, LOCC and the KP.

All national and international Red Cross organizations are non-governmental in nature.


The International Red Cross condemns the use of atomic energy for military purposes; condemns the means of mass destruction; calls for in every way to contribute to the achievement of universal disarmament; condemns racism and racial discrimination — sources of international tension that create the threat of war; calls for the elimination of war from the life of nations.

Our country, participating in the activities of the International Red Cross, fully supports active actions of the Red Cross, aimed at solving the most important tasks of our time: strengthening world peace and creating the most favorable conditions for preserving the health of all the people of the planet.


The Union of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies of our country provides practical assistance to the health care of various countries of the world; organizes Red Cross hospitals in foreign countries; sends its medical teams and humanitarian assistance to the population of countries, suffered from natural disasters, accidents, and also military actions; carries out work on the search for their own and foreign citizens and restore communication with them; participates in the development and improvement of international humanitarian law.


History of medicine